Ecosoft 1-2-3 cartridge kit for reverse osmosis filter

  • Perfectly clear water without sand, rust, smell of chlorine and harmful organic impurities
  • Reverse osmosis membrane protection


Category: Product ID: 2188


The kit includes three Ecosoft cartridges needed to prepare water in front of the membrane element in a home filter with reverse osmosis technology.

Ecosoft 1-2-3 cartridge kit for reverse osmosis filter – this

  • clear water without sand, rust and chlorine odor
  • reverse osmosis membrane protection

Life in your home will change with the advent of the Ecosoft filter , as

  • you will get access to absolutely clean and safe drinking water
  • your kitchen will taste better
  • tea and coffee will have a natural taste and aroma
  • purified water can be drunk without boiling

The cartridge set is suitable for reverse osmosis filters from other manufacturers.

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